A Meaningful Activity During This Time of Uncertainty…

Memories In Writing
1 min readMar 17, 2020

Many of us have been tasked with staying home and keeping our loved ones safe and healthy. Use some of this time at home to start capturing and preserving your memories; or helping a loved one capture theirs.

Taking a walk down memory lane can help us cope, reaffirm our identity, and feel more fulfilled. And it doesn’t end there…

Reminiscing can also:

  • Reduce depression and anxiety
  • Enhance self esteem and sense of well-being
  • Improve quality of life
  • Create a renewed sense of meaning

And when we share our memories and our parents share their memories with us, we are collectively passing down priceless stories that become part of the family history and will live on for generations.

To spark those memories, try looking through old photo albums, rewatching favorite movies or shows, or listening to music from different periods of their life. And get ready…for some laughs- and probably a few tears!

Looking for a simple way to reminisce?

Memories In Writing is committed to helping you capture your memories and preserve your aging loved one’s special stories with a range of easy-to-use solutions. Check out how simple and enjoyable it can be.



Memories In Writing

Memories In Writing Makes It Easy To Write Your Life Story — If you’re looking for a fun way to write your story or help your aging loved one write theirs…